Shiny: Darina Blue Swimsuit Pt. 2/5

Today we continue with the set of Darina wearing a tight Blue Speedo Aquablade! Follow this set over the next weeks and get to see Darina in this beautiful swimsuit!

We start this series with Darina and the blue swimsuit, later this the set she puts on a matching Aquablade Swim Cap and a pair of goggles to her outfit!

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3 replies
  1. hans meier says:

    nice ! and now do something like that with some shiny nude pantyhose (…wolford neon in color gobi or color cosmetic) – also nice: leohex swimsuits and leohex pantyhose 🙂

    THANKS for your work

  2. hans meier says:

    Hi, ganze starke Bilder. Ein Wunsch: Mal eine Kombi von solch einem Swimsuit mit einer mega glänzenden Strumpfhose…zb Wolford Neon in Farbe Gobi oder Cosmetic. Danke !

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