Set: NightPhoenix Leopard Catsuit Pt. 1

As last set of this month we’d like to share NightPhoenix in this incredible Leopard Catsuit made by Latexcrazy with you! She combines her Catsuit with Black Latex Gloves and Black High Heels.

This Catsuit was made to fit Dee, but fit NightPhoenix really tight and well! It took us some time to get her in – but we managed it!

Set Size: 63 pics

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Shiny: Polina Wetsuit Girl Pt. 2/6

In this second part of this Bonus Set, Polina wears a Black Speedo Wetsuit, a Silver Aquablade Swim Cap as well as a pair of White Speedo Goggles.

Polina is taking a shower in this set!

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Shiny: Joy Adidas Bodysuit Pt. 2/2

Today we have the second of two parts of Joy wearing a very rare Adidas Bodysuit, combined with an Adidas Swim Capand a Pair of Goggles for you. We have shot several swimwear sets with Joy so there will be more to come! 

Even though the Swimsuit is quite small, it fits her body perfectly. Wouldn’t she be a nice swimmer in that outfit?

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Set: Emma Purple Latex Dress

We just love this dress! And Emma is perfect to fit in this! This Long Purple Latex Dress is just made for her, combined with Long Black Latex Gloves and Black High Heels. This is a dress she could wear to Prom Night, couldn’t she? Imagine someone wore this at your Prom…

Set size: 37 Pictures

Dress and Gloves made by Latexcrazy

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Shiny: Darina Long Sleeve Pt. 2/5

Update 2 of this 5 part set of Darina wearing a Long Sleeve Swimsuit from Speedo!

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Blog: Sarah in Black Latex

Sarah sent us a few more pics of her private home shooting, wearing a Black Long Sleeve Latex Top, combined with her own Black Latex Leggings and her Black Pleaser boots. We just love this set and can’t wait to shoot with her!

Mini Set Size: 8 Pics

Shiny: Anna Speedo Wetsuit Pt. 2/6

This is the second part of a huge set of Anna getting dressed in her Speedo Wetsuit, modeling with and without a Speedo Swim Cap and Goggles up to taking a look how she undresses.

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Shiny: Joy Wetsuit Dressing (Clip)

Today we’d like to share the first part of the Dressing Video of Joy getting into her Nabaji Wetsuit with you! Already being dressed in a classic and rare Arena Competition Swimsuit, she puts on the Wetsuit as well.

As we started the set in January, now you get the insight on tape! Enjoy!

The full clip will show her being capped and equipped with goggles while shooting the set.

Quality: 720p
Future sets will be taped in Full HD or 4k only!

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Shiny: Darina Blue Swimsuit Pt. 1/5

With today’s set we start a new series of Darina wearing a tight Blue Speedo Aquablade! Follow this set over the next weeks and get to see Darina in this beautiful swimsuit!

We start this series with Darina and the blue swimsuit, later in the set we add a swim cap and a pair of goggles to her outfit!

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Clip: Dee Snowy Walk (4k)

When shooting with Dee last Saturday our first snow set, we of course had her taking a walk in the beautiful and fresh white snow. What a contrast, Dee in a tight Black Latex Catsuit and Black Latex Gloves from Latexcrazy, combined with her short short rainy boots!

Dee starts putting on her Black Latex Gloves, stretching them for their perfect fit and then starts to take a walk trough the snow. She stops to get a nice view for the river and docked boats, stretching and holding still for some close ups of her Latex Body. Then she takes a walk back!

Watch this 4:20 min. video in 4k! Having the ideal light set up, we have the most possible sharpness and contrast available!

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