
Latex: Joy Masked in Black Latex Pt.2/2

Welcome to the second part of this two part set of our lovely Joy, wearing a Black and Brown Latexcrazy Catsuit, combined with a Black Latex Hood and full face MSA Gasmask. She also added a pair of Latex Gloves and Latex Socks to her outfits, so she really is covered in Latex from head to toe, heavily breathing through the filter…enjoy!

Set Size: 34 Pics

Quote Joy: “This is heavy!!”

Since this is a smaller update, a second Joy updated is being published today as well.

Latex: Joy Masked in Black Latex Pt.2/2

Set: Irena Transparent Latex Catsuit

Enjoy as our CATBOO Member this great set of one of our favorites Irena wearing a Transparent Latex Catsuit with attached Socks and Gloves!

We took this set in her garage, combined with a leather chair! Later in the set Irena gets to try for her very first time a matching Transparent Latex Hood!

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Set: Irena Transparent Catsuit

Blog: Masked Model Irena

For shooting with Irena we drove 12hrs. Northern part of Germany to the Netherlands and back in one day.

We shot at the her aunts house, who was present as well, and were able to use a great motorcycle, the garage and the pool house.

Irena has been the only model so far using this transparent hood, fitting to the catsuit from Libidex.

Now, the question is: With or without mask? What do you prefer?