
Swimsuit: Joy Swimsuit Ocean Reef Diver Pt.1/2

Enjoy this Easter Egg Bonus Swimsuit Video of Joy wearing a Long Sleeve Realise Swimsuit, underneath a Pantyhose, a Silver Swimcap as well as an Ocean Reef Full Face Diving Mask. In this first part part you will see Joy putting on her Swimcap on her own, putting on her Ocean Reef Diving Mask and some close ups of her fully dressed and ready to shoot.

Part two will show her during our Photoshoot as well as taking of her Ocean Reef Diving Mask as well as the Silver Swimcap. In addition, you will hear Joy breathing from the tank from the built in mic – stay tuned.

Run Time: 6:30 Min.
Quality: 4k

Swimsuit: Joy Swimsuit OceanReef Diver Pt.1-2

Shiny: Joy in Realize Blue Swimsuit

Today we share a new Shiny Update with you! Enjoy Joy wearing a Shiny Blue Realize High Cut Swimsuit! We used the suit in one of our two “warm-up-sets”. A second part, Joy wearing an Aquablade Swimcap to the suit, will follow, too.

The suit was provided by Cultulu! Get your specific shiny swimsuit there, specialist in the field!

Set Size: 30 Pics

Shiny: Joy in Realize Blue